
Chaos Theory and the Mind of Christ

Chaos Theory and the Mind of Christ

I need to thank my friend René. He got me thinking about chaos. 

I’ve been working lately to create a new life—one where I am the “Master of my fate…the Captain of my soul.”⁠1 One where there is less chaos, more peace; less insanity and more grounded-ness. But wow, have I been frustrated. Sad. Even depressed. My now doesn’t match my vision and that’ll drive a Type-A creator like me just about crazy-pants.

Dottie the Cat Demonstrates Quantum Entanglement

Dottie the Cat Demonstrates Quantum Entanglement

Meet my cat. Her name is Dottie. She is a cat of different color, if you’ll excuse my usurping of a familiar phrase. You see, Dottie is both cat and companion to me. “Companion” doesn’t really cover it though; she has been an unexpected comforter, empath, and confidante to me. We nap together—I would say, “peacefully,” but she is on a never-ending quest to get all four paws on me at the same time, and therefore and has a squirm-factor that is off the charts. She is my co-writer of music and editor of articles. She touches my face when I am sad, and makes me laugh with silly acrobatics. She is my spirit animal and I love her beyond measure.

And she is dying.

When Retreating Pushes Us Forward

When Retreating Pushes Us Forward

I just returned from the Visible Music College Winter Retreat. A great concept, the retreat takes all the students and staff--140 or so total--out to a retreat center and they spend a few days together in a completely relaxed environment. Rather than over-programming the time, there is a definite focus on worship, on input from the guest speakers, and on hanging out and sharing free time fun together.

I've been to ten previous winter retreats with this group of people, and God is always faithful to move in big, lasting ways.